Sunday, September 25, 2011

Edwardian Era Ladies' Undergarments - 1902 Chas. A. Stevens and Bros. Catalog

Edwardian Era Ladies' Undergarments - 1902 Chas. A. Stevens and Bros. Catalog

Ladies' Drawers
Drawers come in the following sizes: 23, 25 and 27 inches in length. When ordering give length desired.

No. 1501 - Cambric Drawers, deep ruffle with henstitched hem. Price 25¢ Comes also in closed Drawers, Price 25¢

No. 1502 - Cambric Drawers, three henstitched tucks, lawn ruffle with three henstitched tucks and hem. Price 50¢ Comes also in closed Drawers, Price 50¢ Same style, extra sizes 65¢

No. 1503 - Cambric Drawers, lawn ruffle, with six tucks and wide torchon lace edge. Price 75¢ Also in closed Drawers, Price 75¢ Same style, in extra sizes, Price 85¢

No. 1504 - Cambric Drawers, deep lawn ruffle, with two clusters of tucks and Point de Paris insertion and edge. Price $1.50

No. 1505 - Cambric Drawers, cluster of five tucks, deep lawn ruffle, with one row fine torchon insertion and edge. Price $1.25

No. 1506 - Cambric Drawers, deep lawn ruffle, with one row Point de Paris insertion and edge, ribbon bow. Price $1.75

No. 1507 - Nainsook Drawers, two rows Point de Paris insertion on bias on side of drawers, nainsook ruffle, with tucks and Point de Paris lace edge, ribbon bow. Price $2.25

No. 1508 - Cambric Drawers, two clusters of tucks, lawn ruffle, with one row Point de Paris insertion and edge, bow knot lace. Price 95¢

No. 1509 - Cambric Drawers, cluster of tucks, deep ruffle of embroidery. Price 85¢ Same style, extra sizes 95¢

No. 1510 - Nainsook Drawers, three clusters of fine tucks, deep lawn ruffle with two rows fine Valenciennes insertion and edge, fish-eye lace. Price $1.75

Friday, September 16, 2011

Edwardian Era Children's Fashions - December 1902 The Delineator

Edwardian Era Children's Fashions - December 1902 The Delineator

Styles for Misses and Girls

Figure 235G - Misses' Toilette
Pale-pink veiling and Irish lace are associated in this dress, and black velvet ribbon arranged in Greek-key pattern and also run through a lace beading provides effective trimming. The waist, which closes at the back, is in the popular "baby" style with drop-shoulder effect. The lace forms the yoke and is also arranged at the lower part of the waist in girdle effect, while the sleeves have caps at the top and are faced below the elbow with the lace. For evening wear, a low or Dutch round neck with elbow or short puff sleeves may be adopted.

The seven-gored flare skirt is distinguished by a hip-yoke, and a circular flounce upon which the Grecian design in velvet ribbon is arranged. The back is in habit style and a sash of wide black velvet ribbon encircles the waist, falling in loops and long ends at the back.

Cashmere, albatross, crepe de Chine and fabrics of a similar nature are suitable for the development of the mode, and tucked silk or bands of silk joined with faggoting may be used for the yoke in both the skirt and bodice, and applique lace bands be substituted for the velvet ribbon trimming.

Figure 236G - Little Girls' French Dress
The drop-shoulder collar is the point of interest in this little French dress made of white India silk. Faggoting provides effective ornamentation, and a sash of soft ribbon is worn. The neck may be made high or in Dutch round style, and the sleeves in full length or to the elbow. The full skirt is attached to the blousing waist.

Nainsook, trimmed with fine nainsook embroidery or Mechlin lace, would be particularly attractive fashioned after this mode, while challis, albatross and other light woollens may be used with charming results.

Figure 237G - Girls' or Misses' Dress
Slot seams distinguish this stylish little frock, which is made of green challis figured in white and combined with dark-green velvet. A closing is arranged at the back, and the fronts pouch modishly over the belt. The square yoke and band collar are made of tucked batiste, and the bertha is of velvet piped with white. Bands complete the bishop sleeve, and the attached five-piece skirt carries out the slot seam effect.

Plain and figured materials are alike suitable and tucked silk or embroidered batiste may be used for the yoke and standing collar. The new plaids also suggest charming developments.

Figure 238G - Girls' or Misses' Dress
Pastel-blue albatross, combined with blue velvet ribbon in a darker shade, was used for this pretty frock. It is shirred to Empire waist depth and has the body and skirt in one. The full-length bishop sleeves are shirred at the top and again at the wristband. A shirred collar and a velvet ribbon sash are stylish adjuncts. Greenaway or regulation length may be chosen, and low neck in drop-shoulder style is provided for. The sleeves may be made in three-quarter bishop or in shirred depth only.

China silk would be exceptionally dainty with faggoting introduced in the shirrings and with a soft ribbon sash. Cashmere, challis and all the new dress fabrics of a pliable nature are advised.

Figure 239G - Girls' Frock
Black vlevet, ornamented with braid, was employed for contrast in this frock of beige broadcloth, which is closed in Russian style. It has a single box-plait in front, under which the closing is effected, and a double box-plait at the back. The top of the garment is cut out to accommodate a yoke of tucked white taffeta framed by a unique strap-bertha. A straight collar completes the neck, and the skirt is plaited to correspond with the body, the joining being hidden by a velvet belt ornamented with braid. The bishop sleeves blouse becomingly and are stylishly finished with bands of the velvet.

Dark-blue cheviot would be effective with black braiding with the collar yoke, bertha and wristbands of red silk. A velvet belt may be worn. Mohair will also be fashionable.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Edwardian Era Ladies' Headwear - October 1902 The Delineator

Edwardian Era Ladies' Headwear - October 1902 The Delineator

Descriptions of Millinery Plates

No 1 - This hat in the becoming toque shape is made of shaded Autumn foliage with berries intermingled, and a bow of velvet in a shade to harmonize with the predominating tone in the foliage is at the back against the brim.

No 2 - A large hat made of black velvet and black Chantilly lace is here shown. The crown is low and formed of the velvet, while the wide brim of velvet is softly draped; the lace falls over the edge all around, with ends resting over the hair at the back. A white velvet rose and Autumn leaves are placed against the brim at the left side where it flares.

No 3 - For this attractive, youthful hat cream satin Liberty, finely plaited and edged with a narrow lace, was arranged in a succession of rows over a chiffon-covered wire frame. Loops of rose-colored ribbon are disposed at the left side of the brim, and a wreath of tiny rose-buds is also arranged on the brim facing. A soft coil of the ribbon encircles the low crown.

No 4 - The smart hat illustrated here is made of blue and green mixed fancy felt braid. Dark-blue velvet is draped on top of the low crown, and a speckled quill is thrust through it, while a bow of the velvet arranged at the back provides the touch of completion.

No 5 - This hat of dark-blue and white felt braid is recommended for youthful wearers. The crown and a portion of the brim are of the blue braid, the white braid giving a pleasing finish to the edge of the latter. A band of dark-blue velvet is arranged across the brim facing over the edge and encircles the crown, and is formed is a bow at the back. A cabochon of the blue felt is placed on the edge of the brim, and one of the same size secures the velvet band on a bandeau that rests on the head at the left side.

No 6 - Unusual charm marks this picture hat of black velvet. White Liberty satin is arranged in soft folds on the edge of the wide, straight brim and also encircles the broad, low crown, and a band is brought over on top of the crown and over the edge of the brim at the side. A white ostrich plume, secured by a pearl cabochon, completes the hat.