Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Edwardian Era Ladies' Outerwear - September 1902 The Delineator

Edwardian Era Ladies' Outerwear - September 1902 The Delineator

Figure 102G - Ladies' Cape and Skirt
This smart cape is produced in armure silk and crepe. It is circularly shaped and has a seam at the centre of the back. A circular flounce extends the mode to short three-quarter length, but if preferred the garment may be shorter. A ruffle outlining the cape collar gives the required broad effect, and the Medici collar is finished with a ruche. A belt may be used to draw the cape in at the back.

Other appropriate fabrics for mourning wear are Henrietta, cashmere, crepe de Chine, crepe cloth and Imperial and Melrose serges. Peau de soie will be stylish for the cape, and dull jet ornamentation may be introduced. As an evening wrap the cape will be fashionable developed in pearl-gray cloth lined with pale-blue satin. Lace bands may be used to trim.

Figure 103G - Ladies' Coat
So thoroughly convenient are long coats that they have been readily adopted into general use. A fashionable design is here shown developed in black brilliantine, relieved with rows of stitching. It fits comfortably close at the back and sides, while the fronts are suggestive of box shaping. Two, shallow, circular flounces give a distinctive touch to the mode, but if preferred, they may be replaced by a deep flounce of similar shaping. A shawl collar with circular ruffles gives a stylish neck finish, but a Puritan collar may be used instead. Bishop sleeves with deep turn-back cuffs are introduced, but they may be finished in fancy or flowing style.

Gloria silk is one of the fashionable fabrics for long coats, and Irish lace may be used to decorate. Taffeta is also popular and with a lining of white satin will develop a stylish wrap. Peau de soie, cravenette, mohair, and light-weight cloths are also in use.


  1. I know!! The jackets are beautiful! But unfortunately, I've never seen a pattern for anything like it. I will keep searching though.
