Edwardian Era Ladies' Undergarments - 1907 National Cloak and Suit Company Catalog
The Corsets shown on this page are ready-made.
120 - Nemo Corset, for medium or slender figures. This is a strong but light-weight model, designed to adjust itself perfectly to the figure. A comfortable and dainty corset which is offered at an unusually low price. Can be had in white or drab Coutil. Give waist measure and color desired. Sizes 18-30. Price $1.00.
159 - Nemo-Kosmo Corset with unbreakable hip; a model particularly designed for medium or stout figures. Strength and contour are given to the hips by the Kosmo hip which consists of bone strips crossing each other on the lower part of waist - a new and desirable feature. Can be had in white or drab Coutil. Give waist measure and color desired, when ordering. Sizes 19-30 - Price $1.50. Sizes 31-36 - Price $1.75.
205 - Nemo Swan-Shape Corset, for tall and medium figures. An extremely desirable model with long waist, fashionable high bust and small round hips. Constructed to display advantageously the graceful curves of the figure. Can be had in white Coutil only. Give waist measure, when ordering. Sizes 18-30 - Price $2.00. (For short, medium figures read 206.)
206 - Nemo Swan-Shape Corset, same model as 205, for short, medium figures, in white Coutil only. Give waist measure, when ordering. Sizes 18-30 - Price $2.00.
301 - Nemo Military Belt Corset, especially suitable for medium figures. Comes down well over the hips, and has pliable winding lines producing a small waist and serving to keep the corset in place. The military belt attachment produces a graceful and erect carriage. Can be had in white Coutil only. Give waist measure when ordering. Sizes 18-30 - Price $3.00.
312 - Nemo Self-Reducing Corset, for tall, stout women. The only corset that will positively reduce the abdomen without discomfort or injury. It adjusts itself to the figure and is equipped with the self-reducing relief strap, graduated front steel, and double garter attachment, making this corset a satisfactory foundation for a well fitting gown. White or drab Coutil. Give waist measure and color desired. Sizes 20-36 - Price $3.00. (For short, stout figures read 314.)
314 - Nemo Self-Reducing Corset, same model as 312, for short, stout figures; has a low bust, short under arms, and is long below waist line. Reduces the figure in a marked degree. Can be had in white or drab Coutil. Give waist measure and color desired. Sizes 20-36 - Price $3.00.
How to order corsets - When ordering a corset, care should be taken to ascertain the correct size of the waist. To do this properly, measure the waist outside of the regular street costume, then deduct three inches; when wearing thin clothing, an allowance of two inches is sufficient.
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