Thursday, November 3, 2011

Edwardian Era Fashion Plate - October 1902 The Delineator

Edwardian Era Fashion Plate - October 1902 The Delineator

Figure 147G - Ladies' Costume
Autumn styles favor simplicity as well as more elaborate effects, and this is particularly true of tailor gowns, a charming example of which is portrayed at this figure in cafe au lait cloth and darker velvet. In accordance with prevailing modes slot seams are displayed, and the jacket, which is of the double-breasted type, follows the lines of the figure comfortably close at the back and sides. A rolling collar is worn and above the closing, which is effected with large pearl buttons, revers are arranged. A peplum joined on under a belt gives a smart ait to the mode. The sleeves are of the regulation coat variety with turn-back cuffs.

The three-piece skirt has slot seams in line with those of the jacket, the side-back seams being simulated. The back is in habit style, and the skirt may be extended in sweep or dip round length.

A gown of dark-blue hop-sacking would be stylish and elegant, with trimming bands of Oriental coloring. Mixed-grey homespun is a serviceable material and with strappings of plain gray will produce a gratifying result. Serge, cheviot, light and medium weight meltons, etc., are in high favor. Dull-green granite cloth with stitched panne in a darker shade will be an effective combination, and the buttons may be of green and gold.

Figure 148G - Ladies' Blouse and Skirt
The blouse styles are very popular and are particularly becoming to slender figures. A new design of Eton shaping forms a part of this chic gown, reseda-green cloth with reliefs of scarlet being the color scheme selected and the material broadcloth. The jacket has slightly pouched fronts and may be worn open or closed. Vest pieces, double cape collars and peplums give distinction to the mode, but, if preferred, the neck may be finished with a standing band. Cuffs that flare finish the bishop sleeves, and a belt conceals the joining of blouse and peplums.

The skirt, a graceful five-gored design, is known as the mermaid skirt on account of its shaping, which is sheath-like to the knee, below which it flares out in frou-frou effect. A habit back is employed, and the closing may be effected with buttons and buttonholes or with a placket and seam. The circular flounce is headed by folds of the material, and from beneath it the skirt should be cut away.

Collar and cuffs of Irish crochet lace will lend character to a gown of mignonette cloth. Mode etamine would be stylish with a collar and vest of brown velvet. Dull-blue or London-gray cheviot makes up stylishly, with strappings of glace or Chine taffeta.

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